Enter your first and last name and your address that appears on your vehicle registration.  If the registration is in more than one name, both can be entered (such as “John or Jane Doe”).  If you have more than one vehicle and they are registered under different names, please complete the order form more than once.  (such as John Doe has a car, and Jane Doe has a car).  Enter the number of license plates needed under quantity.  The fee is $35 per plate.

Your email is used by the Heritage Alliance to send incentives to you (free tours, tickets, memberships, discounts).  It can also be used if their is a discrepancy that needs to be resolved (name on registration slightly different, typo on address, etc.).  The phone number is optional, but would be used for the same purpose if we can not reach you by email.

Historic Jonesborough Specialty License Plate

Price: $35.00