Friends of the Washington County Archives Second Symposium
The Friends of the Washington County, Tennessee Archives (FoA) will host its second symposium on Friday, April 25 and Saturday, April 26, 2014. J. Mark Lowe, Certified Genealogist, will again be the speaker on both days of the event. Lowe is a full-time well known professional genealogist, author and lecturer. Lowe has also worked with the show, Who Do You Think You Are? on NBC and TLC and as a consultant for genealogy shows on PBS.
On Friday evening, April 25, Lowe will be speaking on Beginning Land Platting from 7:00 to 9:00 at the Central Christian Church Fellowship Hall, 106 Main Street, Jonesborough, Tennessee. There will be some hands on exercises. The cost for Friday night is $15.
On Saturday, April 26, Lowe will be speaking on Out on a Limb, Trapped by Bad Research and Finding Your Landless Ancestors from 9:30 to 11:45. Break for lunch on your own. From 1:00 to 4:30 his topics will be Spending the Afternoon with Perry Mason Matlock and Tennessee Court Records, a hands-on online casino exercise. He will finish with Peeking Behind the Scenes of the Tennessee State Library and Archives. All sessions will be at the Central Christian Church Fellowship Hall, 106 Main Street, Jonesborough, Tennessee. The cost for Saturday is $40. There will be something for the beginner as well as experienced researchers.
Those registering for both Friday night and Saturday before April 15, 2014, the cost is only $50, but the FoA has an even better deal for those Early Birds! Early Bird Special is $45 for both Friday night and all day Saturday if registered and paid in full by Friday, February 28, 2014. Registration on the date of the events is subjected to space availability.
For more information, please visit the Friends of the Washington County Archives” website by clicking here. The registration form is available by clicking here.
The Friends of the Washington County, Tennessee Archives is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization organized to support the development of an outstanding archives by working with the County Records Commission, to promote the Washington County (TN) Archives by working with the County Records Commission through public awareness, to instruct and train in the preservation and in the techniques of handling the historical documents of Washington County (TN), and to help the Washington County (TN) Archives with supplemental funds. All proceeds of this event will benefit the Washington County, TN Archives.