Jonesborough Mythbusting Tour
On April 1st, a new tour will put Jonesborough’s history to the test. Jonesborough’s Mythbusting Tour will debut on April Fools’ Day and be offered at various other times throughout the year. This unique tour will not be available every week, so make sure you catch it when it’s here! Jonesborough is the Oldest Town in Tennessee and the Storytelling Capitol of the World, so it’s only natural that the Town has some big myths that need busting. On the other hand, 238 years of history has produced some outrageously true stories. Think you can separate the myths from the facts? Put your detective skills and knowledge to the test with us. How outrageous is Jonesborough’s history? Come along and find out!
Jonesborough’s Mythbusting Tour will start at 1:00 p.m. Tickets are only $5.00 per person and can be purchased directly at the Chester Inn State Historic Site and Museum on Main Street. For more information, please contact the Heritage Alliance at 423.753.9580, or the Chester Inn Museum at 423.753.4580.
The Heritage Alliance of Northeast Tennessee and Southwest Virginia is dedicated to the preservation of the architectural, historical, and cultural heritage of our region and to providing educational experiences related to history and heritage for a wide range of audiences. For more information, please call our office at 423.753.9580, or contact the organization via email at Additional information can also be found online at