Pitchforks to Chairs: 18th and 19th Century Woodworking Tools with Curtis Buchanan
“It takes ten generations to learn something, and one generation to forget it.”
This quote is applicable to many things, but chairmaker Curtis Buchanan applies it specifically to woodworking tools and techniques. Curtis will be speaking about 18th and 19th century woodworking tools and techniques and the utilitarian items they produced at History Happy Hour’s program on Thursday, July 19th at 6:30 pm. The program is usually held at the Chester Inn Museum, but this program will be held next door at the Christopher Taylor House, weather permitting. The program is free and open to the public.
Curtis is a world renowned chairmaker with a shop in Jonesborough, TN. For over 30 years Curtis has produced chairs that have been displayed in the Chester Inn, the Tennessee State Museum, the Tennessee Governor’s Mansion, and Monticello, among other places. He also offers classes, instructional videos, and has made numerous contributions to the field of chairmaking. More info about Curtis and his workshop can be found on his website at https://www.curtisbuchananchairmaker.com/
History Happy Hour is a collaborative program that features speakers and researchers from various local organizations, museums, and schools. Presenters for 2018 include independent researchers, National Park Service rangers, professors, and museum professionals from across the region. The programs are on the 3rd Thursday each month at 6:30 pm.
For more information on the Chester Inn Museum, History Happy Hour, or the Heritage Alliance please call our office at 423.753.9580 or the Chester Inn Museum at 423.753.4580. You can also contact the organization via email at info@heritageall.org. Additional information about the Heritage Alliance and its mission can be found online at http://www.heritageall.org/. Be sure to follow the Chester Inn and Heritage Alliance Facebook pages for updates about events at the Chester Inn and other Heritage Alliance programs.