Social Media Round Up 3/30/2020 – 04/05/2020
We hope you all are doing well. The Heritage Alliance is posting a lot of content online right now, both on our website and our social media pages. We decided to do a weekly round up so you all can find what you’re looking for in a more expedient manner. This will also help you know what posts to be on the lookout for.
Website –
Cholera Epidemic Primary Source Activity
Historical Photo Exploration #1: What’s Going On Here?
Chester Inn Museum Coloring Book
Facebook – Heritage Alliance
Weekly posts about local businesses in Jonesborough, the history of the buildings, and what the businesses are offering now in the midst of Covid 19.
Weekly posts about recreation through time, including bicycling and hiking.
Photos and posts from our archival collection.
Sears Modern Home Historic House Hunt – Round One 1908-1914
Facebook – Chester Inn State Historic Site and Museum
Weekly posts reflecting back on the Spanish Influenza Pandemic of 1918 with primary sources from Washington County.
YouTube – Chester Inn State Historic Site and Museum
Social Distancing with the Victorians – Video series examining how the Victorians would have practiced social distancing.
Make Your Own Buzz Saw Toy Video
You can also follow the Heritage Alliance on Instagram @heritage_alliance. Check back here every week for another recap!