Virtual History Happy Hour: Cook That Spam a Little Faster – How World War II and Women Changed the Food Industry
History Happy Hour kicks off its summer schedule on Thursday, June 17th at 6:30 pm!
Join speaker Dr. Angela Keaton for her presentation “Cook That Spam a Little Faster: How World War II and Women Changed the Food Industry.” Dr. Keaton is a history professor from Tusculum University and longtime friend of the History Happy Hour. She will be discussing how World War II changed food production and how those changes intersected with the postwar emphasis on gender roles. Which processed foods emerged, which ones did not succeed, and what role did women play in the process? Join us on Thursday June 17th at 6:30 pm and find out!
The program will be offered through the Zoom platform and will also be streamed live on the Chester Inn Museum’s Facebook page. Go to the Chester Inn Facebook page for the link to the meeting room and for the password to login. The program will begin online at 6:30 pm and participants can join the Zoom meeting or stream live on Facebook at that time. Participants who use Zoom are encouraged to keep their microphones muted and relay any questions during the presentation to the chat. The program is free and open to the public!
Topic: History Happy Hour
Time: Jun 17, 2021 06:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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Meeting ID: 825 0910 2750
Passcode: History
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This project is funded under an agreement with the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation, Tennessee Historical Commission.